Welcome to the Original Utah Flag Football League! Based in Salt Lake, serving all of Utah. Originating in 1992, Utah Flag League is the Largest League in Utah with the most options available. Currently only running Adult Leagues.
Our Mission
Our mission is to promote teamwork, sportsmanship, and healthy competition through flag football. We aim to create an inclusive environment where players of all skill levels can enjoy the game, develop their abilities, and build lasting friendships. By fostering a love for the sport, we strive to inspire our community to stay active and engaged. Join us in making flag football a fun and rewarding for everyone!
League Rules
Equipment Football
Each team is responsible for supplying their own football. They must be NCAA or NFL regulation size except in the COED divisions.
Teams must wear matching shirts or jerseys. Pop Flags are allowed and two flags must be worn, one on each hip. Flags must be on the outside of the shirt and the entire flag belt must be visible/exposed. No uniforms or body parts may cover any part of the flag belt. If the belt is covered the referee’s may declare the player to be touch instead of flag pull to be down. Flags must be a different color than shorts or pants. Any players wearing a hat with a bill must have the bill facing backwards.
Team Captains
The team captain(s) will be the only player(s) who are allowed to address the referees regarding a call. Players may ask a ref a question but if any player, including a captain, disrespectfully addresses a referee the team may be penalized and the player ejected (check penalties). If the objected behavior continues the ref will call the game and the team will be given a loss regardless of score.
A team must have 4 players minimum to play or will otherwise forfeit. Team rosters must have a minimum of 8 players and up to 12 players for each season. All players will need to be added to the team’s online roster, which is located on their respective team page. Also, all players will need to fill out the online waiver at the beginning of each season. Subs can be added to the roster for each game up to 24 hours before game time. Subs must play 4 games to play during playoffs. A player may only play on one team per division during playoffs. Players must pay for multiple teams if playing more than 4 games with each team.
Forfeits will be given to teams who give less than 24 hours’ notice of not being able to make their game.. If you forfeit, your team will be fined ($25 for 5 on 5) and ($35 for 8 on 8). You will also be given a loss for that game. Your team will not be eligible for playoffs until the fine is paid.
Length of the Game
Two 20 minute halves, with a 5 minute intermission. The clock stops in the last one minute of each half for all dead balls, out of bounds, change of possessions, and incomplete passes. (Second half only for indoor) Game clocks will start at game time, post coin toss. There are no automatic run offs of time on any penalties. The clock will not stop for first downs. If a team is ahead by more than 16 after the 1 minute warning in the second half and there have been sportsmanship issues the game is over. If a team is ahead by more than 35 points at any time the game is over.
Extended Playing Time
A period or half may be extended by an untimed down, only when during the last timed
down one of the following occurs:
1. A touchdown was scored and the try for point is attempted as a part of
the same half.
2. There was an inadvertent whistle and the down is to be replayed as a
part of the half.
3. A penalty was committed by the defense at expiration of a half.
4. There was a fair catch interference and the offended team accepts an
awarded fair catch, the half may be extended and the ball put in play by
a snap.
5. If there was fair catch interference and the offended team accepts the
distance penalty, the half will be extended by a replay of down.
Size of the Field
The playing field is 30 yards wide and 50 yards in length, with two 8 yard end zones. Total field size is 30 x 66 yards. One first down at midfield. The field dimensions may be modified due to the space available. The field shall not be smaller than 25 yards wide and 40 yards in length, with two 7 yard end zones.
Coin Toss
The winner of the coin toss shall have the choice of one of the following options:
1) Receive
2) Designate a goal to defend
3) Defer choice to second half.
The loser shall make a choice from the remaining options. Before the start of the second half the choosing of options will be reversed.
Starts at the 5 yard line. Team has: 4 attempts to make a first down at the 25 yard line (or 20 yard line if the field is modified), then 4 attempts to make a touchdown. After a safety a team starts at the 15 yard line (or 10 yard line if the field is modified). Once a team achieves a first down, they may not achieve the same first down again on the same series due to loss of yards and then an automatic first down penalty. Clarification: If3 a team achieves a first down on a play and they also were flagged for a penalty that occurred during the play, the penalty will be marked first and then once the ball has be placed the referees will determine if it is a first down or not. This means if you reached two yards past the first down on 3rd down, which would be 1st and 23 and a 2 ½ yard penalty occurred during the play, which would bring the offense back, about 1 yard from the first down, it will not be 1st and 26 it would be either 3rd and short or 4th and short (depending on which penalty).
Live punt returns are allowed. Muffed (dropped) punt returns are dead at the spot. Receiving team must have three players within 5 yards of line of scrimmage. Punting team is not required to snap the ball. Once the referee has signaled the start of the play clock and the punting team has declared a punt, they may punt the ball. Both teams may not move at the line of scrimmage until the ball is kicked. Returning team players may attempt to jump and block the punt without crossing the line of scrimmage. Game clock will start rolling once the ball makes contact with the punter’s foot.
Time Outs
Each team will have 3 time outs (30 seconds in length) per half. Teams may call consecutive time outs.
Play Clock
The offensive team shall have 25 seconds between plays to snap the ball. After any pre snap penalty (false start, delay of game, etc.) the play clock is reset to 15 seconds. As a courtesy the referees give a 10 second and 5 second warning.
When any part of the ball, legally in possession of a player inbounds, breaks the plane of the opponent’s goal line, provided it is not a touchback. The plane of the goal line extends outside of the field of play.
The offensive team must have 3 players on the line of scrimmage at the time of the snap. In a bunch formation players feet must be 6in or closer. (No Large Gaps)
Running/ Passing
There will be no running plays.
All plays must consist of a legal forward pass. A forward pass does not have to cross the line of scrimmage. Only one forward pass may be thrown per down. You can lateral the ball as often as you like.
NOTE: There must be separation of 1 foot between the ball and quarterbacks hand before any receiver catches the ball. Handoffs are not considered a legal forward pass. An illegal forward pass only occurs by crossing the line of scrimmage and the Passer’s entire body must cross the line before the ball is thrown.
Exception: if the line of scrimmage is close enough to the goal line that the quarterback can reach the ball into the end zone and still have part of his body behind the line of scrimmage, and does so, then the play will be immediately dead and a loss of down will occur. No penalty yardage will be assessed.
Legal Catch
One foot inbounds with possession of the ball. If a player goes out of bounds on their own and comes back in, they may not be the first player to touch/catch the ball. If so, the play will be declared incomplete pass, no further penalty. If a defender pushes/forces a player out of bounds, they may come back in bounds make a legal catch/be first to
touch the ball.
Flag Falls Off
If a player's flag falls off without the aid of a defender, that player must simply be touched.
Ball Spotting/ Flag Pulling
The ball is marked at the spot where the ball is at the time the flag is pulled (clip on belt comes apart). If a player bobbles the ball and the flag is pulled after the ball is first touched, but before the player ultimately gains possession, the ball will be marked down at the spot where the flag was first pulled (it would be an unfair advantage to the player with possession if they can bobble it on purpose to avoid a flag pull). If a player pulls another player's flag before the ball is touched by that player the player will not be considered down until they are touched (as if the flags fell off). If a player intentionally pulls another player's flag away from the ball it is a penalty of 5 yards from the end of the play. Receivers can advance the ball if he falls down and is not touched or flags pulled. A player must simply be touched if they are on the ground or a knee is on the ground.
Flag Guarding, etc.
Ball carriers shall not protect their flags by guarding them with their hands, arms or ball, cannot straight arm, and cannot lower their head or shoulder while running into a defender. The offensive player must avoid contact (no lower shoulders or upper body and attempting to run through defenders). Spinning is allowed, but the ball carrier cannot intentionally jump or dive to advance the ball. They are permitted to jump or dive to avoid injury/contact. That will be determined at the referee’s discretion.
Illegal Contact
Defensive players may not hold, grasp, push, or tackle the ball carrier. If a defender grabs clothing, they must let go immediately or a penalty will be assessed.
Most fumbles are dead at the spot the ball hits the ground. Exception: Muffed snaps behind the line of scrimmage are live until the Quarterback or other player has gained possession. Then normal fumble rule applies.
One offensive player is allowed to be in motion, horizontally, at the time of the snap. They may not turn up field before the snap. All other offensive players must be set for one second before the snap.
Pushing out of Bounds/ Stripping
There will be NO pushing out of bounds and no stripping the ball while in a player's possession. Also, there is no pushing a receiver out of bounds while they attempt to make a reception. NFL rule permits this, we are a flag football league and you must play the ball or the flags. A catch will be awarded if the official determines a legal catch would have been made without the push.
Pass Rush
Defensive rushers must start 5 yards beyond the line of scrimmage. If the offensive team throws a lateral (a pass or pitch behind the QB) the 5 yard rule is nullified and anyone can rush regardless of where they started. But no defensive player, who did not start 5 yards from the line of scrimmage, may cross the line of scrimmage until the lateral is thrown. If the rusher starts early they can reset and start again 5 yards back without penalty unless they cross the line of scrimmage before the snap. The offense must avoid running into the rusher. Offensive player must be running a route (no shielding, mirroring, screening or blocking). Rushers must also avoid interfering with the center's or other receiver’s route. If a Quarterbacks arm/hand comes in contact with a defending players body unintentionally (defending player not attempting to block the pass, but reaching for flags) it will be ruled as incidental contact. Judgment will be Referee’s discretion.
NEW RULE: if at any point one team has a 17 point or greater lead, it will nullify the 5
yard rushing rule for the team whom is losing by 17 points or more. Once the lead is 16
points or less, the 5 yard rush rule will be back in effect.
Blocking/Contact Downfield
Absolutely no blocking or setting picks down field and all receivers must be running routes. All other contact will be penalized as illegal bump.
Extra Point Attempts
You are awarded 1 point from the 5 yard line and 2 points from the 10 yard line. A turnover on an extra point may be returned for two points by the defensive team.
Field Goal
If a team has crossed midfield you can declare field goal on any of your 4 downs and you will get one play from half the current distance for 3 points. If you miss the defense takes over from the original location. If you are successful a normal change of possession occurs. It is run like a normal play, not like an extra point or onside kick. Clock will run, normal play clock, defense can return it for 6 points (touchdown), and penalties will be slightly different. Spot foul penalties by the defense will be marked at half the distance and replay the field goal. Once teams have tried the field goal, they may not change to going for a touchdown after a penalty has been marked.
Onside Kick
After a touchdown is scored and immediately after the extra point is played a team may declare to go for an onside kick (this must be declared before the referees mark the change of possession). An onside kick will be one play (untimed down) following an extra point. It will be from the offenses 20 yard line (5 yards from midfield). If a team scores successfully they will maintain possession of the ball and start on their own 20 yard line. If they are unsuccessful the defending team will take possession of the ball on the defenses 20 yard line (5 yards from midfield, 1st down achievable). If defending team intercepts the ball the play is dead. A team may only go for an onside kick if they are losing and are in the second half of the game.
Rule Clarification/Challenge
At any point during the game a designated Team Captain can request clarification of rule application or challenge a ruling on the field by calling a Timeout. Once the Timeout is granted, it is the responsibility of the designated Team Captain to identify to the Referee his/her discrepancy with the ruling and how it was applied in disfavor of them. The Referee will then report the matter to the Field Supervisor or League Director for final ruling (also may be decided by referring to a rule book). If the decision is reversed the challenging Team will not be charged a timeout. In the event a call is upheld, the challenging team will be charged one of its three timeouts. If the challenging team has no timeouts remaining it will be assessed a delay of game
penalty of -10 yards and a loss of 10 seconds if under two minutes of either half. Teams are permitted one (1) challenge per half. Judgment calls are NOT for challenge.
A coin toss shall determine which team gets the ball first. Each team will decide to go for 1 point (5 yard line) or 2 points (10 yard line). Each team will have up to 3 attempts t score during regular season play, before ending in a tie. After both teams have had try if either team is a head that will end the game. Also, teams alternate who goes first a t the start of each round. Ex. Team who went first in the first round will go second in the 5 second round and first in the third round. During the playoffs the overtime process will continue until there is a winner. Interceptions may be returned for a touchdown
resulting in victory.
Alternate - Each team will be given a series of 4 downs from the 20 yard line to score. If a team scores they will be given an extra point attempt. During the regular season the game will end in a tie if both teams are still tied after each team has had one possession. During the playoffs the overtime process will continue until there is a winner. A turnover ends the series of downs. Interceptions may be returned for a touchdown resulting in victory.
Sportsmanship Policy
If a single player is responsible for two unsportsmanlike penalties in a single game they will automatically be ejected for the game. Fighting with other players or touching, belittling or demoralizing referees will result in ejection from the game. The entire team may also be ejected from the game at the discretion of referees. All ejections will be reviewed by the board and commissioners and further action may be taken (fines or ejection for multiple games or the season). Excessive taunting or "trash talking" could also result in disqualification from a game. If a team is disqualified/ejected from the league their entrance fee will be forfeited. There will be an additional penalty called an unsportsmanlike minor. Things that constitute this penalty include excessive complaining, belittling or degrading refs, inappropriate language or behavior, etc. The enforcement will be 10 yards and it will be marked off as a dead ball penalty. Multiple unsportsmanlike minor penalties may lead to ejections.
Penalty Enforcement
There is no auto run off of time at any point during the game from a penalty.
Delay of Game: -5 yards Replay down
False Start: -5 yards Replay down
Illegal Motion: (2 or more in motion at time of snap) -5 yards Replay down
Illegal Formation: (less than 3 on the line of scrimmage at snap) -5 yards Replay down
Offensive Pick Play: -5 yards Replay down
Running into Rusher/Center -5 yards Replay down
Jumping into and making contact with an opposing player or Diving to advance the ball: -5 yards from spot & Down Counts
Flag Guarding/Stiff Arming -5 yards from spot & Down Counts (on 4th down & extra points its -5 yards from original line of scrimmage & Replay the down.) NOTE: the reason for this is because it is often a questionable call.
QB Flag Guard/Stiff Arming: Spot of the Infraction and Loss of down
Illegal forward pass/Second forward pass -5 yards & Loss of down
Blocking or Illegal Pick: -5 yards from spot of foul.
Offensive pass interference: -5 yards from original line of scrimmage + Loss of down
Illegal play (running play/no pass) -5 yards + loss of down
Illegal Participation (player runs out of bounds and is 1st to touch ball) - Loss of Down
Flag Tying (enforced from original line of scrimmage) -10 yards & possible ejection
Illegal Rush: +5 yards & Replay down
Stripping: +5 yards at the end of the play
Pulling a player's flag away from the ball: +5 yards at end of the play
Holding on to ball carrier and/or ball carrier's clothes: +5 yards at end of run (If last defender this is a TD)
Not going for flags and pushing ball carrier down or out of bounds: +5 yards at end of run (If last defender this is a TD)
Holding on to QB’s clothes: +5 yards Replay Down
Defensive Holding (DB holding a receiver before ball is thrown) +5 yards & Automatic First Down
Illegal Bump/Contact down field by Defender: +5 yards Automatic first down
Tackling: +10 yards from end of play
Contact with center before they stand up: +10 yards Replay Down
Roughing the passer: +5 yards added to the end of the play + Automatic First Down
Defensive pass interference (face guarding is no longer a penalty unless the receiver comes back to the ball and there is contact with the defender and the defender is not turning to look for the ball): Spot of the infraction + Automatic First Down
Unsportsmanlike Minor: -5 yards
Unsportsmanlike Conduct: -10 yards
Personal Foul: (unnecessary roughness): -10 yards from spot of foul
Taunting: “Trash Talking" -10 yards and possible ejection
Fighting: Ejection and Possible disqualification. Mandatory 1 game suspension for throwing a punch (even if it does not connect). Possible Police Action!
Touching, belittling, and demoralizing Referees: Ejection + 1 Game Suspension and Possible Police Action.
Begging the Call - "The team captain(s) will be the only player(s) who is/are allowed to address the referees and the captain addressing the referees should be done so in a respectful manner and really should just be in the form of a question, rather than complaining. If any player, including a captain, disrespectfully addresses a referee the team may be penalized and the player ejected. Referees have the authority to call a "begging the call" penalty that increases in enforcement.If a player is disrespectful, or 'begs for a call', or excessively complains, a "begging the call" penalty may be called progressively (for the team, not a particular player) starting with a warning on the first infraction, to 5 yards on the 2nd infraction (by the team), to 10 yards for the 3rd infraction (by the team), and then any additional infractions would be 15 yards. Once the referee gets to the 15 yard penalties individual players will be instructed to sit out for a designated period of time during the game. Any subsequent infractions will be subject to a player sitting out the remainder of the game. These penalties would be dead ball penalties marked off after the end of the play. If a particular player is responsible for repeated infractions of this penalty they may be asked to sit out for a certain number of plays, series, a half, or even ejected from the game."
Modified Multiple Team Policy
Players may register for one team per division with the exception of A registered players not being allowed to play in the C division. A players may sub up to 4 times with any team (not in their teams division) for free but must pay the season fee if they want to continue playing with that team. Players may only play on 1 team per division during playoffs.
Playoff Policy:
To participate with a team in the playoffs you need to be listed on the official online roster and have played at least four regular season games and paid the season registration fee. Also refer to the Modified Multiple Team Policy above. Changes/additions may be made through UFFL Officials, ahead of time.
Division Policy
Players can play in both A and B division or B and C division. A players CAN NOT play in C division.
If creating more than one team only 4 players can be on the same team in a different division. No cloned teams.
All 5s players are eligible for either 8s division and all players are eligible for coed.